Monday, April 5, 2010

JOMC Post 6: My Internet Usage

The Internet is supposed to be a tool where people can learn things about whatever their mind queries, all at the click of a button. For me, the internet has become primarily a way to maintain a social life while school work takes away the burden of my time that I would spend on friends. I log on to the internet every couple of hours everyday. There are seven sites I go to every time I log on. They are three email account services (why I need 3, I don't know), one social networking site, two celebrity gossip sites, and my banking account site. Because I check these sites so often, I am almost always up to date on the new information, so it takes me around 15 to 30 minutes to make my rounds. Now when there are alot of people on facebook that I haven't spoken to in a while, or if there is new juice on a celebrity, or if the bank messes up and puts 88 billion dollars in my account (I WISH), I can waste away an hour or two easily online. Now since I use the internet as a substitute for my social life due to school work, I do use it for research on the UNC libraries websites and on wikipedia for background information. It is crazy though, if I am in the middle of writing and researching on a paper topic, I take a facebook break atleast every hour. It is the worst and most widespread procrastination tool!

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